Building Text to Speech Service Based on Festival

Posted on Fri 14 June 2019 in misc View Comments • Tagged with Javascript, TTS, T2S, Personal Assistant, Festival, Scheme

Last week I participated in Hackathon where we built a demo of domain specific personal assistant. One of the components of such system is the text to speech component.

In this post I will explain how I installed Festival speech synthesis system …

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Filtering Meetup Organizers with Greasemonkey Script

Posted on Sat 08 December 2018 in misc View Comments • Tagged with Javascript, Greasemonkey

Meetup and greasemonkey logo

I love meetups. It is a great opportunity to learn new things and expose myself to new ideas. I manly interested in the technological stuff, but I am not picky. Great concepts, ideas and life lessons has the quality of being applicable across multiple fields.

Every two weeks or so …

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